April Meeting on 04/08/2025 at 7PM at Olive Tree in Villa Rica. Those wishing to have dinner please come between 6:00 and 6:30.   More Info

Winter 2018/2019 Fox Hunt

Our Winter fox hunt marks the 3rd time we've held a two-stage hunt, with those who find the first fox also finding a frequency to use to find the 2nd fox.  There was a new twist though, the fox was actually a dog, being walked by WX4BK through Clinton Nature Preserve.

Participants were given maps of the Clinton Nature Preserve, which included the names of trails and landmarks, as well as providing a guide for getting back to the parking area after the hunt was over.

After finding the 1st hidden fox, a few feet off the Nature Trail, hunters now had to locate a moving target, WX4BK and Madison the Yorkie, who were merrily walking through the park while Brian would periodically key up the radio and give hints while strolling down the trails.  Hints would, if thought out by participants, give the hunter some idea of which trail, and what section, the two meandering park visitors were taking.

KI4ASK and KI4NNI, a husband and wife team, were the first to find the 2nd fox, with most of the rest of the group hot on their heels.

Thanks to all who participated, and we look forward to the next fox hunt!



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