November Meeting on 11/12/2024 at 7PM at First Christian Church, 306 College Street, Carrollton, GA.   More Info


The WGARS hosts a weekly Monday night net at 8:00pm on the 146.640mhz repeater with a negative offset and a 131.8hz sub-audible tone.  All amateur radio operators are invited and encouraged to participate. The net encourages stations checking in to share everything from an interesting bit of knowledge to how their week has gone.

A Monthly HF exercise precedes the Monday net on the fourth Monday of each month. Stations attempt to make local contact on the HF bands, starting on 28.425mhz at 7:30PM on the fourth Monday of the month.  If the band is not open stations will move to 7.258 at 7:45PM.

Although not a WGARS net, WGARS supports the local ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) net, which takes place at 8:00PM on Thursdays on the same repeater. This is a more formal net with a training session and round-table discussion. This net is also open to all amateur radio operators.

Resource: Our Repeaters / About Us
Resource: Net Log - View recent net participation.
Resource: WGARS List of area nets     Suggest or Update a Net
Resource: WGARS Net Script        
Resource: Carroll ARES Net Script
Resource: Carroll ARES Severe Weather Protocol       
Resource: Sign Up For Net Control!
Net Manager: Tony Altman KO4BVB (KO4BVB at


Upcoming Events

Thu Oct 24 @ 8:00PM
Carroll ARES Net
Mon Oct 28 @ 8:00PM
Club Net on 146.640mhz
Thu Oct 31 @ 8:00PM
Carroll ARES Net
Sat Nov 02 @10:00AM
License Testing
Mon Nov 04 @ 8:00PM
Club Net on 146.640mhz
Thu Nov 07 @ 8:00PM
Carroll ARES Net
Mon Nov 11 @ 8:00PM
Club Net on 146.640mhz
Thu Nov 14 @ 8:00PM
Carroll ARES Net
Mon Nov 18 @ 8:00PM
Club Net on 146.640mhz
Thu Nov 21 @ 8:00PM
Carroll ARES Net
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West Georgia Amateur Radio Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Corporation.
Copyright (c) WGARS 2014. All rights reserved.