February Meeting on 02/11/2025 at 7PM at Olive Tree in Villa Rica. Those wishing to have dinner please come between 6:00 and 6:30.   More Info

August 22nd Fox Hunt!

Our fox hunt turned out to be a great success!  The forecast was for rain but it remained clear and sunny.  WD8LQT, John Playford, arranged the two-stage fox hunt, hiding fox #2 and then he himself acting as fox #1. The challenge was to locate fox #1 mostly by car, and then located fox #2 on foot from that location.

The hunt started at the VFW fairgrounds, with the frequency for fox #1 being  given out.  It took  about a half-hour for Team Veal (Brian & his wife and daughters) to find fox #1 (John), who was doing a very good  job of hiding incognito, in glasses and hat in a car.  The Veal team ultimately were the first to complete the hunt, finding fox #2.

Joe (WA4MT) came in 2nd, followed by Ross AJ4P and Kel KJ4RJW (guests from Fayette county). Jason KV4TE and team Hitch KM4BYH (running a new doppler unit) took fourth and fifth. Team K4DVJ with Richard KN4FRP, KB4RCO and little brother scored number six. Brian, WX4BK, rolled into fox number one and then team Marshall KK4OHF joined the group at Lake Carroll, where both foxes were located.


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Mon Feb 24 @ 8:00PM
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