Antenna Building 2017
- 19 July 2017
- West Georgia Amateur Radio Society
June was a busy month for WGARS members! In addition to a fox hunt an antenna building party was held to custom build dipole antennas for Field Day. WX4BK made a brief presentation on construction of an antenna using only wire, PVC, a soldering iron and some electrict tape or heat-shrink tubing. The wire lengths for 80, 40, 20, and 15 meter antennas were pre-calculated and the group went to work measuring the antenna lengths, handing the wire off for soldering to the coax, then on to soldering connectors on.
Other team members worked outside, stretching the antennas out and checking them with the club's antenna analyzer. Most all antennas tested being a little long. The legs were intentionally cut long so they could be gradually trimmed until properly tuned.
Many thanks to KK4CTV for providing a location for the group to meet at and to all those who came out to help!
You can view pictures from the antenna building here.