The World comes to Little Tallapoosa Park
- 24 June 2024
- WD8LQT - John, photos by KE4WRN - Chris
Over the weekend of June 22 and 23 the West Georgia Amateur Radio Society (501 c3) participated in a nationwide emergency communications exercise.
The objectives of the exercise included setting up communications equipment in a remote location, exchanging information with other stations around the country and the world over a 24-hour period, providing education, and having fun while learning.
The WGARS operated 4 amateur radio stations over the duration of the event using modes such as voice (SSB), CW (morse code), and Digital. Using these modes over 600 contacts and exchanges were made in all 50 states and several European and south American countries (including NASA at the Johnson Space Center). The stations and antennas were set up in the Equestrian area of Little Tallapoosa Park, 1930 GA -113, Carrollton Georgia. Although it was extremely hot outside, the group has been outfitting a 24-foot trailer with heating and air, acoustical panels, etc. which made operating quite comfortable.
Prior to going on the air at 2:00 p.m., the group practiced something called “fox” hunting. This is where a transmitter, or in our case transmitters are hidden and the task is to locate them in an efficient manner. These transmitters simulate signals that may come from a downed aircraft or stranded hiker. This is a great way to learn new skills, practice, and have a great time. It is like a scavenger hunt and fun for everyone, whether you’re a licensed operator or not. Saturday there were two transmitters hidden in the park and several teams of hunters. The first group to find both transmitters was the group we call “Team Veal.” Whether you were first or not, it was still a great time.
In the area of more formal training, attendees participated in a demonstration of something called Winlink. This is a mode that was recently used by the emergency station at Tanner Medical Center to participate in a state-wide hurricane drill. This drill simulated the internet not available in our region for sending and receiving e-mail. Winlink allows a licensed amateur to send and receive email using radio transmissions that hop over outage areas and are received at a remote location (called a gateway) where it is then put out on the internet. Several messages were sent out as a demonstration Saturday afternoon.
Operations continued throughout the night and ran up until 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon. The next planned outing for the communications trailer will be the Villa Rica Gold Rush Festival where we will set up a special event station at the Pine Mountain Gold Museum at 1881 Stockmar Rd in Villa Rica.
If you are interested in learning more about Amateur Radio or the WGARS, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our website at We are also on facebook.