February Meeting on 02/11/2025 at 7PM at Olive Tree in Villa Rica. Those wishing to have dinner please come between 6:00 and 6:30.   More Info

Preparing For Winter Field Day


Winter Field Day [January 25th & 26th, 2025] is just around the corner. It is always on the last full weekend of January, beginning at 16:00 UTC on Saturday and running through 21:59 on Sunday. If you have participated in several Field Day club events, you may think there is no reason to prepare. Well, you are wrong!

There are so many different facets to a Field Day event, which means that whether you are just joining in on the fun or are one of the many coordinators of a Field Day event, there is a lot of preparation that goes into preparing for Field Day, especially when the event spans over two days. Let’s focus on preparing for an over-night Field Day event – the part of the event where you are ready to shut down and get a little rest before sunrise creeps in.

What are some of the must have items and items you should consider bringing along to ensure you are prepared for this part of the event? And, which items will make your overnight experience safe, restful, and practical? What is in your Winter Field Day bag? Do you have a Field Day bag? If you do not have a Field Day overnight bag, you will need one and it can possibly be the same bag you use as your “Operator to go or bug out bag”. Some of the items listed below will have multi-purposes and those items should be considered a high priority item to have in your bag or to bring along. Some of the items need no explanation and therefore, will not be commented on.

 Safety & Emergency Items

When in doubt, use duck tape! There are numerous ways duct tape can be used in an emergency – patch up a temporary leak in your tent, and it is really good at holding to items together when you have no screws. Have you ever used duct tape in a pinch?

Your Field Day Coordinator should know who to contact in case you experience a medical emergency or have an unforeseen mishap. Club Coordinators will have a list of all Club Members and should have a list of emergency contacts. If you are joining in on the fun for the first time, make sure the Field Day Coordinator knows you are there participating and make them aware of who to contact in case of an emergency.

Do not forget to bring any medications you are taking; you will want to stay on schedule in taking them. Remember, you are at Field Day to have fun with other Radio Operators, learn a lot, and not to unintentionally create a medical emergency.

[Flash Light, Batteries, Mini Fire Extinguisher, Gloves, Carry Permit & Carry Family Member, Matches/Cigarette Lighter/Magnesium Fire Starter, First Aid Kit, Emergency Contact Information, Duct Tape, Utility Knife, Camping Lamp, Medications.]


Sleeping Gear

There are so many great options for your sleeping gear, everything from a basic tent to a high end fancy camper. If you are just getting started on your Amateur Radio journey and are just joining the fun, a tent may be a good starting place for you. Tents have really evolved over the last ten years. There are SUV/Truck/Minivans tents, summer tents, 3 season tents, 4 season tents and a few others. If you are leaning towards a tent for your overnight shelter, arrive at the Field Day location an hour or so early to set up your tent. At the start of Field Day, you want to be participating in the activities, helping out where you can and not fussing or struggling with your gear. 


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SUV or rear vehicle tents are another great option for Field Day. It allows more space to your camp area, gives you the options to sleep sheltered inside the rear of your vehicle instead of on the ground, and it gives you easy access to your vehicle’s electronics or rear DVD player for a relaxing night. Whichever tent you decide on, make sure it is rain proof and rated for the season and weather you will be using it in.

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Campers are a nice fit for an overnight experience. With a camper you will have everything you need built right inside, allowing you to have all the comforts of home during your Field Day event. The smaller mini campers are absolutely great for these short outings. Prior to bringing your camper, make sure the Field Day location can accommodate your vehicle and camper and will have any necessary hook-ups you may require.


Additional Mini/Small Camper Information

During Winter Field Day, it could possibly be cold! That may be a surprise if you have been pampered by southern mild winters. There are various heat options available and your heat option should be compatible with the type of overnight shelter you will be using. Electric heaters, I will go ahead and say it. For many reasons, they are not an option and should never be seen at Winter Field Day or even thought of as a survival item. Many Field Day locations have no water or electric and bathrooms are a tossup.

Portable small kerosene heaters may be an option, depending on tent space and size. These heaters put out a lot of warm heat but come with a few drawbacks that can become hazards if not used properly - the open flames, the start-up and shut-down smell of the kerosene and carrying around kerosene to fill the heater. Portable kerosene heaters may be good options for the Winter Field Day Command building due to its portability, heat out-put (between 10,000-12,000 btu) and its ability to run continuously for up to 14 hours off a little over one gallon of kerosene. Miniature wood stoves are also an option for heating. They also put out a great amount of heat but only burn a few hours before needing to be re-fueled. The best options for your tent may be a – no flame - ceramic type heater, with an oxygen depletion system, tip over switch, and if possible, an internal thermostat. Do your research prior to purchasing to make sure your heater match your needs.

Purchased at our local Tractor & Supply in Carrollton, GA, my personal favorite is the Mr. Big Buddy Heater Pro Series. It has an internal fan, it is built to last, has a 3 year manufacture warranty and it has three different output levels, maxing out at 18,000 btu. If you choose this heater, do not use it for unintended uses, as suggested by many youtube channels. Why not? Using the heater for uses not intended voids your generous 3 year manufacture warranty that many other heater do not come with.

NOTE: Mr. Big Buddy Pro Series Model number is 18B. There are different styles. One style has the fan and one does not; they have the exact same model number. You must look at the box and look for the red switch on top of the heater if you want the heater with the fan. Usually, it is the Green Model #18B. As of this past weekend, Tractor & Supply in Carrollton, GA., had 6 on hand. Do your own research and pay good attention to information on the box.

A few of the preferred safe heaters for tents are listed below

  • Opolar 1500W PTC Portable Heater

  • Mr. Big Buddy

  • Mr. Buddy

  • Martin Portable Gas Catalytic Heater,

  • Winnerwell Fastfold Titanium Tent Stove



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Carbon Monoxide Detectors are a must!!! Carbon monoxide is an order less poisonous gas that is produce when fuels like gas, coal, or wood do not fully burn. Without a carbon monoxide detector, this gas CANNOT BE DETECTED. Make sure your carbon monoxide detector has a fresh battery in it for this Winter Field Day.


[Tent/SUV Tent, Camper, Extra Tent Stakes & Cord, Sleeping Bag, Extra Sleeping Bag Cushon for ground, Pillow, Blanket, Sleep Wear, Feet Warmers, Sleeping Socks, Pillow, Heater, Propane, Carbon Monoxide Detector]


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[Winter Wear, Long Underwear, Gloves, Warm Hat, Out-door boots, Warm Socks, Winter Headband, Rain Gear.

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Cooking & Food

A small two gallon bucket or pale can serve as your washing and sanitizing station. Remember to bring enough water for drinking, cooking and personal use. After cooking, make sure that all fires are properly extinguished.


[Small Camping Stove, Propane, Cooler, Water, Ice, Vitamins, Snacks, Sandwiches, Quick Cook Food, Instant Coffee, Cream/Sugar, Utility Knife, Plastic Spoon/Fork, 3 or 4 Paper Plates, Skillet, Reusable Cups/Paper Cups, Matches, Hand Sanitizer Wipes, Camping Chair, 2 Gallon Bucket]

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When it is time to pack up and leave, it is time for clean-up. Make sure to bring garbage bags and ample clean-up items. Please leave your camp location clean and debris free. Most parks and campgrounds have a limited staff and many times, clubs are not allowed to return to a great location because the campsite attendant had to clean up after the event. Castile soap is a vegetable based (usually olive oil) soap that is free of chemicals and other synthetic ingredients and animal products. It can be used to wash your skin, hair, cloth and can be used for cleaning. This soap comes in liquid and bar form, making it ideal for Field Day. Just pour some in a small container and you have all the soap you need.


[Plastic Bags/Garbage Bags, Paper Towels, Water, Hand Sanitizer Wipes, Liquid Castile Soap]


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Toiletries & Hygiene

Remember, bring enough water for drinking, cooking and personal use. Field Day is not an opportunity to lose all sense of hygiene; showering is usually not an option during the field event. So, shower before coming. You will be in close proximity with other Radio Operators. If someone says, “There must be a skunk around here”, let’s make sure it is actually furry and has four legs!

[Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Mouth Rinse, Face Towel, Water, Sanitizer Wipes, Liquid Castile Soap, Toilet Paper, Heavy Lotion or Vaseline to protect your skin]


If your family will be joining you on Field Day, make sure to bring enough water, food and the necessary supplies for everyone. The above suggested items, for Winter Field Day, is not a conclusive list but it will get you off to a good start towards a safe, restful and practical overnight experience. And, of course, do not forget your radio and accompanying gear for the event.

WGARS Field Days are a lot of fun! These events allow members and participants to learn new radio skills, practice some of their old skills, enjoy a great outing, and it gives us the opportunity to bond with fellow Radio Operators from all around Carroll County – near and far. Some of our most active members are from just across the state line over in Alabama. If you are a Radio Operator or are interested in being one, we would love to have you come join us at our January 2025 Winter Field Day event. For more information, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Until next time,






Upcoming Events

Mon Jan 20 @ 8:00PM
Club Net on 146.640mhz
Thu Jan 23 @ 8:00PM
Carroll ARES Net
Sat Jan 25 @12:00PM
Winter Field Day
Sun Jan 26 @12:00PM
Winter Field Day
Mon Jan 27 @ 8:00PM
Club Net on 146.640mhz
Thu Jan 30 @ 8:00PM
Carroll ARES Net
Sat Feb 01 @10:00AM
License Testing
Mon Feb 03 @ 8:00PM
Club Net on 146.640mhz
Thu Feb 06 @ 8:00PM
Carroll ARES Net
Mon Feb 10 @ 8:00PM
Club Net on 146.640mhz
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